Digital Pianos

Yamaha CLAVINOVA - made in Japan!
Prices start from PLN 2,700
Second-hand instruments – like new. Prepared by a Japanese company that looks after Yamaha instruments, they have virtually no signs of use. Not even the smallest scratch…
We have a large selection of both several years old and younger digital instruments at very attractive prices.

Yamaha Clavinova digital pianos are mostly available for half the price at which the instrument was purchased, new. This is an opportunity to buy a good, very good quality and high end digital piano with powerful capabilities, (made in Japan) for the price of a cheap entry-level piano from China or Indonesia.
Most of the digital instruments we have on offer have the original weighted 88-key keyboard. Pianists can therefore practice on these instruments as if they were acoustic pianos, enjoying a weighted, dynamic keyboard. It is possible to connect to a sound system, a computer and play with headphones.
Each piano comes with a 110-230 V voltage converter (as the instruments are imported straight from Japan).
Prices from as little as PLN 2,700 for instruments that used to cost almost PLN 6,000.
Piano-Rolf provides a guarantee on electronic instruments.